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  • Writer's pictureKohei Yoshino

Consideration for Socially Responsible Practice in Training

When developing socially responsible practice within the context of training, organizations first must consider accessibility. Regardless of employees’ background and the type of jobs they hold, a similar degree of training should be offered in order to ensure that everyone in the organization has access to professional development.

Second, in delivering the content of training, different learning styles should be considered to take individual differences into account (Morgan, n.d.). On a similar note, training should be available in different formats accommodating for individuals who may have disabilities (e.g., blindness and deafness) and also take cultural differences into account.

Third, in ensuring equity within the organization, additional training and support should be available to those who need it due to different circumstances. For instance, to level the playing field, those with learning disabilities should be able to access additional support and training without having to go through the hoops.


Morgan, R. (n.d.). How to Address Learning Styles in Workplace Training. Chron.

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