Hi there, I'm Kohei.
I help individuals to become an authentic leader of their lives who can build a life and career filled with meaning and purpose. My coaching is founded on tested business consulting and psychology frameworks I developed through a decade of professional experience and extensive training including doctorate-level education in Industrial and Organizational (IO) psychology.
Currently, I'm finishing up a Ph.D. program in IO Psychology and the highlights of my qualification include:
10+ years in Project Management, Strategic Consulting, Change Management, and Organizational Development
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Project Management Professional (PMP)
ICF Certified Coach (PCC)
What is your challenge?
If you are facing one or all of the following leadership and life challenges, I can help you:
You have challenging relationships with your partner, co-workers, friends, or family members
You don't feel seen, heard, respected, understood, and loved by others
You often avoid conflicts with others because you are afraid of hurting others' feelings
You want to build a relationship (e.g., romantic, family, friends) but your old patterns are holding you back
You either hate your job or feel uninspired and unmotivated at work
You don't quite know what else you could do, where you could make enough money AND enjoy what you do
You always look forward to weekends and often feel exhausted after work
You feel like you are not making enough impact on the world
Life and Purpose
You know what your goals and dreams are but somehow struggle to take action to make the required changes
You are not sure what you want from life and often reflect on the fact that you don't have a purpose
You want to do more of what brings you joy but somehow end up prioritizing other things
You constantly feel overwhelmed and tired and as a result, always end up procrastinating
Here are the 3 steps we will walk through together so you can develop a life and career you love.
Step 1: Know Yourself
In order to be an authentic leader and build a life and career filled with meaningful relationships and purpose, you must first learn a lot about yourself. In this step, I help you understand where you currently are and discover your vision, values, and strengths. Assessing the current state and knowing yourself will be the foundation for the action plans you will develop in Step 2.
Step 2: Strategize
Once you deeply learn about yourself and identify where you want to be, we will develop strategies that get you to your goal. The strategies will involve actionable steps and infrastructures that will enable you to resolve both internal and external barriers that could get in the way. In developing the strategies, I will provide you with tools, resources, and frameworks for building the life you love.
Step 3: Action
Developing strategies alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by solid execution and accountability. Throughout your journey, I will keep you focused and accountable to your own words and provide any support required along the way until you get to your vision. After each session, you will receive a summary with action items, the recording of the session, and relevant resources and homework. In between sessions, I will follow up with you to provide coaching support.
Before I started working with Kohei, I was having work-related stress, feeling overwhelmed, and lacking direction with my role within the organization. Wherever I tried to resolve this issue, it felt paralyzing and apathy-inducing. Working with Kohei was the first experience I'd had of professional coaching as opposed to mental health counseling and his coaching was guiding rather than instructional - he used questions and observations to skillfully encourage me to identify my own goals and strengths to work with. The biggest moment for me was when I was first asked to identify my 'assignment' tasks between sessions - when I came up with the first idea more cascaded out - but I also realized that I knew I had it in me to do them and enjoy the process as well. After 3 months of coaching with Kohei, I feel calmer and less anxious about some abstract impending doom.
— B.C
Editor in Newspaper and Magazine
When I started working with Kohei, I was looking for a sense of accountability to help me continue to make progress towards my goals. There was also an element of purpose and clarity around purpose that I was searching for. The frustration felt like a big weight on my shoulders as I was constantly reminded of things I want to do. I really enjoyed the summary emails that he sent out after each call as they served as a good reminder of the session and documented the goals in case I needed to refer to them again. As a time capsule, they also serve an important record of our sessions and my progress, which is really helpful to have. Having a sense of external accountability not only helped me to break down the larger tasks to ensure sustained progress, but also gave me goals to work towards in each two week period between sessions. Although I am really hard on myself, Kohei's enthusiasm for my continued successes was helpful for me to look back and say "hey, I did do something well and am making progress". It feels good to have completed initiatives and goals that I had been struggling with to finish.
— D.K
Sr. UI Designer in Tech Consulting Firm
I was struggling with discipline, taking responsibility in my life, feeling not good enough, or capable of making the changes I wanted to after having repeated failed attempts of overcoming certain problems. Kohei helped me create a vision and well-rounded image of what I want my life to look like while ensuring that I felt supported and encouraged in the space. Once I had the perspectives of my strengths, values & passions, I felt something click in terms of where I could be putting more of my energy. When discussing goals, he provided me with the tools to take the necessary action to live more in line with my strengths, values & passions. He also helped me reframe losses as wins and reminded me to be gentle & compassionate with myself. Right now I feel that I have more clarity about my obstacles and optimism about my ability to overcome them.
— S.W
Freelancer in Art and Sustainability
I was feeling directionless and indecisive about where to go next in my life when I started working with Kohei. Though I knew deep inside that I had the ability to make a decision and do what feels right for me, at the time I felt confused and stuck in a dead-end spiral. He was very easy to talk to and a great listener with the ability to deliver challenging insights in a positive and productive way. Though I had a challenging life decision to make, I was able to fall back on the vision that he had helped me to identify and define to guide my decision-making process. In exploring the future of my career and relationship, having a clearer picture of my vision is very helpful as it helps me to overcome my frustrations and confusion and move forwards toward my goals aligned with my values.
— R.T
Product Management in Technology
Discovery Call
If you are committed to becoming an authentic leader who can build a life and career filled with meaningful relationships and purpose, message me using the form on Contact page.
Upon reviewing your form, I will get back to you to set up a discovery call should I think that I'm the right coach to help you build a life you truly love.